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The Culture Games

MADRID, NEW YORK, PARIS, ETC – Arguably the most difficult thing about writing a column for Blog and the City is defining a specific place that influences our sense of style. Our blog was born in Paris when a little bit of Seeding faith and a study abroad program brought the three of us to live together in a small Parisian apartment in the 8eme arrondissement. Connected by the spirit of travel, a passion for style, and a love of culture, we began writing and directing shoots to create posts about our “Art de Vivre”.

Since the inception of our blog, the themes of travel and multiculturism have remained present throughout. Each of us has a different background and a unique story that has inspired our love for fashion and personal sense of style. The American girl is not really the American girl: borne in Yugoslavia, raised in Germany, and educated in the United States and France, her cultural identity is varied. The Spanish girls matriculated with dual degrees from universities in France and Spain, have spent countless summers abroad learning English, and now live across different countries in Europe.

The common thread that binds us together is our insatiable desire to travel, and its ultimate influence on our sense of fashion. We view the world as a book, in which each country that we’ve lived in or traveled to provides us with a new page in our style journey.

From New York, we’ve amassed our devotion of all things black. The style in the city tends to be a bit bolder, a bit darker, and a lot more leathery. New Yorkers love attention so it’s no surprise that high heels and statement necklaces run plentiful in our closets. However, in a city as big and crowded as New York, comfort is king and women are often seen running around in yoga pants and lululemon tanks.

The French, on the other hand, believe that sweatpants are reserved for the gym. Their style is s timeless and effortless featuring quiet, subtle colors, and understated makeup. Investing in quality essentials is key so clothes tend to have cleaner lines, more streamlined silhouettes, and higher price tags.

In Spain, we’ve harnessed our love for colour. Perhaps the sunny weather might be the culprit, but black does not dominate winter as it does other European capitals. What does dominate Spanish wardrobes are the latest fashion trends. Renewing your closet every season with new, more affordable pieces is preferred.

As we continue to travel and experience new countries, we remain unconditionally grateful for the insight into various fashion cultures. Because of our travels and the emergence of international fashion blogs, our style has evolved significantly throughout the years. While our country of origin plays a significant factor in our sartorial pursuits, it is also highly influenced by the various places we’ve lived in. As our good friend Gabrielle Chanel says, “fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening”. We inaugurated our blog with this quote a few years ago because it is our inherent belief that fashion is art, culture, travel, history, and ideas embodied in a fabric, and expressed through a style.

the three bloggers behind The Mirror on The Wall

culture fashion bloggers new york madrid paris style blog


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