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The Like-Generation

The first thing you do when you wake up? The answer to that question used to be: pee, take a shower, brush your teeth. In some lucky cases, kiss your loved one. Nowadays, I choose the last option. But a few months ago, I only had my phone to say: ‘Good morning beautiful’ to me. And I began the day with a picture of somebody else’s latte macchiato, the daily run of a best friend or a drunken-afterparty photograph of a person who I actually do not know, but seemed to have a pretty good life. This all seemed so normal to me, until somebody made me aware of this fact.

This someone was a nice, little bit older man, who pointed out, on one of our dates, that I was from a completely different generation (yeah, DUH, the age difference was about ten years). But he was referring to the ‘like-generation’. My natural reaction was the question if he could describe this for me unknown phenomenon. While asking this, I found myself looking on my phone and seeing an instagram picture I had posted. It had just hit 14 likes, mostly from people I didn’t know, whose names were a combination of letters and numbers. Fortunately, there were six likes of people I knew. Of course, the picture was carefully adapted with one of my eight photo-adaption programs, placed with some few, strong sentences, combined with 6 hastags whom meant to tell the world once more what I was doing.
‘Oh. That’s what you are talking about.’ I realized I indeed belonged to this ‘like-generation’.

Instagram, to me, is more important than facebook. I think this is because I am a very visual person and I love looking at pictures. And then I mean pictures of everybody. My instagram addiction (I think it is safe to say it has come to an addictive form) is mainly supported by the fact that I blog and am continuously curious to what other bloggers are wearing or places that they see. It feels like a need for inspiration in the field of lifestyle, travel and styling, which I can use on my own blog and instagram.
As long as we watch ourselves and not go to sleep and wake up with social media, I do not see a problem. If you completely get my mind and how it spins, you can say we are in the same generation. We should meet. Or follow each other on instagram.

If you are interested in my interests and to see my inspiration ‘in-action’, check out my instagram @vhby or my blog by-vh.com

Vivian Hoorn – by vh

by vh