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8 Things You Should Do If You’re Unemployed

Unemployment is something that many people will have to face at some point in their lives. No matter your background, economic times are especially tough and fiscal uncertainty is making it harder than ever to find the right job. The thing to remember is that while few of us have control over when we become unemployed, we do have the ability to control just how we respond to the lack of work. In fact, while unemployment is rarely positive, you can remain hopeful and use your time positively. If you’re looking for work, here are some things that you can do between browsing job boards, that can make you look at unemployment in an entirely new way.

1: Make a Schedule

If you’re recently unemployed, the temptation is to kick back and relax for a week or two to recover from the shock. It’s important to take time to refresh, but don’t fall into a lazy cycle of doing nothing. Make a schedule, as this is one of the best ways to stay focused and productive. Make sure that you stick to waking up early and getting dressed at the start of the day even if you have no reason to leave the house. Manage your daily tasks and you’ll be much more productive.

2: Look at Agencies

Temporary work is a very useful way to bridge the gap between bouts of unemployment. One of your main tasks when unemployed is to look for new work roles to apply for. Broaden your search so that it includes temporary work as well. This will give you more opportunities, and will ease the burden on your bank balance as you will remain earning some kind of income. This is not a solution that anyone would be happy with on a permanent basis, but it’s a good way to keep yourself in the employment loop and ensure that your work skills don’t grow rusty.

3: Use the Internet

Online work is more popular than ever, and some people expressly search for employment that can be done from anywhere. Whether you’re a digital nomad or you’re simply looking for some extra cash, there are a growing number of ways to boost your income while you’re unemployed. Look at micro-job sites such as Canine software and Fiverr or Upwork. There are also websites that will pay you to take surveys, although these can be time-consuming and low pay. However, if you’re struggling financially, moving forward is always more positive than staying in trouble.

4: Organise and Sell

You have a lot more spare time when you’re unemployed, so it’s a great time to look at your living space and get organised. Do some spring cleaning (even if it’s the middle of winter) and go through those old boxes that you haven’t looked in for years. This is all very useful for streamlining your life, but it also gives you the opportunity to find things that you can sell. If you have possessions that you haven’t used in years, you can earn some extra cash by selling them. Old fashioned yard sales are great for raising some extra money, but eBay and Craigslist remain very easy to use. Remember that sites like eBay will charge you for using their platform as a seller, so factor that into your budget.

5: Get a Skills Boost

This is probably the number one thing that you should do if you are faced with unemployment. Looking for ways to improve your job skills is a brilliant way to use your time. You have plenty of options to consider as well, and these might be more accessible than you think. The popularity of e-learning is largely due to the convenience of being able to study a subject from home and at your own pace. Look at supercharging your resume with suitable online MBA programs that suit your career goals. Having formal qualifications is a great way of qualifying yourself for a broader range of vacancies, so self-improvement should always be a firm focus if you are hit by unexpected unemployment.

6: Volunteering

You will have a lot more spare time when you’re unemployed, so why not use it proactively? Talk to local charities or education centres and find those that need help. This can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it’s a great opportunity to network. If you’re lucky enough to find a volunteering role that is related to your career, then you might even be able to find some paid work for the same organisation. Just as importantly, you will also find that volunteering is great for helping to stay optimistic. 

7: Look After Yourself

One of the best ways to keep feeling enthusiastic and optimistic is to ensure that you remember to exercise. Not only will this keep you physically healthy, it can be great for your mental health as well. Being unemployed can make anyone feel low, and it’s important that you tackle this before it starts to have a detrimental effect on the rest of your life. You don’t need to buy an expensive gym membership or start buying costly superfoods. Light exercise is great, and even a casual stroll around your local green space is amazing for your mental health. You never know, you might even find that you enjoy getting healthy!

8: Enjoy Some Treats

The problem with unemployment is that it can be so emotionally exhausting. That means that in order to counter this issue, you are absolutely going to have to treat yourself occasionally! While you might feel that you need to be treating your job search like a full-time job in itself, you have to remember to recharge and rest. Treating yourself doesn’t have to mean an expensive shopping trip that you can’t afford. Instead, reach out to friends for a catch-up, or head to the nearest beach of the day. You might be amazed by how much you can energise yourself for a fresh bout of job-hunting.

Treat unemployment as the opportunity to narrow down your work goals and get your life back on track. Obtain new skills, work on self-improvement, and remember to look after yourself mentally. By treating unemployment as an opportunity to grow, you make it far more likely that you will find the job of your dreams much more quickly.