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Early Misty Mornings

LOS ANGELES – In the middle of nowhere, Arizona—It’s 4:30 am here in Arizona out on the ranch. It’s the start to a new day. The sun is still sunken behind the perpetual mountains and that morning mist is still hovering over the settled dust in the field. Our horses already have their backs saddled and thankfully our morning cowboy coffee and breakfast burritos are just now kicking in. An old denim button up, ripped jeans, chaps, boots, and a cowboy hat are the only necessities that are needed for this outing. Forget the makeup and ditch your designer bag and shoes, it’s time to work.

This morning is typical for the Goswick family during shipping season. My dad is a fifth-generation cattle rancher who raises lots of cows and three pretty girls. I’m the middle daughter. Hi. I’m Emily, The Rancher’s Daughter.

I grew up on a ranch where riding horses, playing in the riverbed and catching tadpoles consumed my mind. But growing up in a family with two drop-dead gorgeous sisters, a fashion-forward mom, and an ex-Marlboro Man modeling dad, I eventually adopted some style. Thank goodness. If you knew me, way back when I was a little ranch kid, you’d be thankful too. I became more interested in fashion during high school and that is where I started to develop my own personal style. I of course, didn’t look like everybody else, walking down the halls, wearing blingy-butt jeans and tight spaghetti topped tanks with cowboy boots. My mom and I always joke that Prescott (the closest town to the ranch) runs about 10 years behind the current trend…not like blingy-butt jeans, tank tops, with tucked in boots were ever the in thing.

I now live in LA where I am studying photography and able to be inspired by all the fashionable blogger babes in every which way I look. I love that I can embrace the current trends, yet, still hold on and integrate that western, boho-chicness style I love and grew up wearing. And while LA is fabulous, wonderful, and booming with opportunities, my heart will in some way, always be tied to those 4 am early misty mornings, horseback with my family. And because of this, I know that I am different. But now my adventure and challenge is to communicate my unique perspective to the world [and to my readers] in hopes of becoming the ‘next big thing.’ I do not want to just be another 20-something-year-old fashion blogger who has amazing designer shoes and a collection of fashion magazines pooling beneath their bed. I am and forever will be The Rancher’s Daughter… and I am ready for my big break.

Emily goswick – The Rancher’s Daughter

Photography at emilygoswick.com, instagram @egoswick

Ph: Lauren Ristow (www.laurenristowphotography.com)