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5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence on the Job

Here are five ways you can take your work confidence to the next level. 

It may be your first day on the job or the day you give a big presentation to your team. Although you have planned and worked for this, you still feel anxiety. You start wondering, “can I actually do this?”, “will my team approve?”, or “will I get along with everyone?” Before you know it, your confidence has taken several big hits. 

In fact, a study shows that women ranked six out of 10 on a confidence scale. We’ve all been here at one point, but never fear, we have a few tips to help keep your head in the game. 

1. Stop the negative self-talk

First things first, you must stop the negative self-talk. It’s hard to be positive and deliver your best if you are constantly putting yourself down. Focus on all of your great qualities and how you can apply that to work. Trust that there is something you are undeniably good at, and people will need your expertise. 

2. Take risks

Have a new idea? Share it! That gut feeling… go with it! Oftentimes, we doubt ourselves and hold back on offering something that could be beneficial to our workplace. Pushing yourself to reach new limits is a sure way to boost your confidence. You become less afraid to speak up, and you take more pride in your ideas. According to I AM Builders, a construction estimating firm, women are becoming more prevalent in the construction industry because they are willing to take risks and bid on these construction projects.

3. Will you be my mentor? 

Mentors are the secret sauce to many people’s success. A mentor can do more than just provide a letter of recommendation. They can share insight on how to properly navigate your workplace, helping you reach new heights in your career. A mentor can guide you towards reaching your full potential, which will ultimately help you thrive at work. 

4. Be thankful 

It seems like a no brainer, but have some gratitude for yourself and the position you are in. There are many benefits to having a thankful attitude, such as higher self-esteem and better relationships. Showing more appreciation will help you see the positive side of situations, and build stronger relationships in the workplace. 

5. Fake it ‘till’ you make it

Most of all, be consistent. Building confidence takes time and practice. You can’t give up, after a few failed attempts. So, you shared an idea and your team didn’t like it… share another one! There is a lot of truth in the phrase “fake it ‘till’ you make it”. No matter how uncomfortable it may be, you must practice confidence until it feels natural. 

Hang in there, you got this!