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Tips to Selecting the Perfect Engagement Ring

So you’re ready to pop the question and ask for your beloved’s hand in marriage. Congratulations! But are you ready to woo your partner with the perfect engagement ring?  Do you go traditional or unconventional? What type of gemstone makes a shining statement of your undying love for your paramour? These questions and the endless options available for engagement rings can be overwhelming.  Don’t fret.  Here are some timeless tips for selecting the perfect engagement ring.

Make a Statement

When you’re selecting the right engagement ring, what are you trying to say?  Of course, you’re making a statement that you’re madly in love with your mate. But presenting an engagement ring is also extremely personal.  Keep this in mind while you are shopping for rings.  Think of your beloved and his or her personality.  Try to match your engagement ring with your partner’s proclivities and preferences. With a dizzying array of styles, gemstones, mounts, and metals you’ve got a lot of options to choose from to personalize the perfect engagement ring. 

Consider Your Budget

You probably have a budget to consider when shopping for a ring.  And if you plan on having a short engagement, you may have wedding budget considerations in addition to engagement ring pricing.  Whatever your situation might be, if your bank account is a big factor in purchasing an engagement ring, there are plenty of budget-friendly options available. For example, moissanite engagement rings are sublimely stunning, incredibly durable, and can be more affordable than other rings.  Read further about different types of diamonds, diamond alternatives, and gemstone selections.

Precious or Semi-Precious Stones

There are four gemstones that fall under the precious category: Diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. All other gemstones are considered semi-precious.  The choice between buying a precious or semi-precious stone depends upon your budget and the look you want for your engagement ring.  While diamonds have been the most traditional option, semi-precious stones are becoming more popular for engagement rings Antwerp these days.  For instance, a topaz engagement ring exhibits dazzling clarity and makes an elegant statement.

Additionally, each stone has a symbolic meaning, and gemstones also correspond to birthdates.  With this in mind, consider matching an engagement ring stone with your mate’s birthstone. Or, you might want to pick a gemstone that is symbolic of hope, and new beginnings such as amazonite.

Pure Diamonds vs Diamond Alternatives

Again, your decision to buy a 14-carat pure diamond versus a cubic zirconia engagement ring boils down to your budget and your preferences.  If you’re concerned about less expensive diamond substitutions sending a dubious message, you might not need to worry.  Many diamond alternatives are exceedingly gorgeous and almost impossible to identify as a substitute.  Furthermore, pure diamonds may be tainted by human rights abuses and atrocities due to forced labor in diamond mines.  So, the choice to opt for a diamond alternative is often considered a humanitarian decision. Nevertheless, there are ethical, conflict-free diamonds on the market today if you want to go the traditional route.

Design or Store Bought

Should you get your engagement ring custom designed or purchase it at a jewelry store? Your answer depends on your preference and checkbook.  A bespoke ring will likely cost more because it’s a one-off design. But if you’re looking for something truly unique for your soulmate, then custom is the way to go.  On the other hand, jewelry suppliers offer a mind-blowing array of high-quality rings, and many jewelers are equipped to change different features on a ring.  If you have your heart set on a one-of-a-kind ring, think about going to a high-end pawnbroker, consignment store, or antique shop.  These establishments often have an eclectic selection of rings you won’t see anywhere else.

Keep it Personal

Considering your wedding is likely one of the most important moments in you and your mate’s life, you might feel a lot of pressure about buying the perfect engagement ring.  But what if you don’t have to purchase a ring at all?  Sometimes the most profoundly special engagement rings are the ones that have been passed down through the family.  Many proposals start with offering an heirloom ring to a beloved as a timeless expression of adoration.  Whether you go this route, visit an antiquities dealer or purchase an engagement ring online, just remember to focus on what matters – love.