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Taking Care Of Your Health As A Woman

As women, sometimes our health can be more complicated. Women often take on various roles– caregiver, provider, housekeeper, partner– that it’s hard for them to focus on themselves sometimes. Finding the time to maintain your health and keep everything balanced is so critical as a woman. It is important to remember that as we age, hormones change and therefore how we take care of our bodies may vary too depending on both the stage in our lives and the cycle we are in. Take your health into your own hands by following along for some tips on how to take care of your body the best way possible! 

Eat Well

Of course, remembering to eat your fruits and vegetables is important but also listen to your body and fuel it with what it wants. Remember that it might be better to drink tea every once in a while over coffee. Get enough high quality protein like chicken, fish, tofu, or beans. High-quality protein will keep you full for longer and also fuel your muscles if you workout. Eating your greens and getting your vitamins will also prevent you from other colds or flus that are out there.

Stay Active 

Physical Activity has a variety of benefits for both your physical and mental health. At least 20 minutes of moving your body a day has significant benefits for your cardiovascular health and stress reduction. As you get older, it may also be beneficial to add in some strength training to help prevent loss of bone density and muscle mass. Not only does staying active help your physical body, it releases feel-good endorphins to help elevate your mood and overall happiness.

Get Regular Check-Ups

As a woman, it is even more important to get regular check ups to ensure everything is functioning properly. Find yourself a trustworthy OB-GYN to get a regular pap-smear and STI tests. If you are sexually active there are also women’s health tests that you can use at the comfort of your own home. If you are pregnant or expecting, it’s important to visit an OB-GYN more frequently. Otherwise, attending the primary care physician for a routine check up is also a great idea! 

Nails, Skin, And Hair 

Healthy nails, skin, and hair is what every girl dreams of! Healthy skin and hair is a sign of health and vitality. Eating your omega-3’s boosts the shine in your hair and prevents wrinkles. Foods like fish contain omega-3s. Collagen production is also reduced as you get older. Collagen is responsible for the elasticity in your skin. For healthy skin and nails you can take collagen supplements that come in many different forms. 

Get Outdoors

Spending time in nature and getting outdoors is so crucial, especially with the year we all had. If you are feeling complacent or experience anxiety, getting outdoors is one of the best things you can do for your mental health. Not only can being in nature elicit feelings of peace and tranquility, there is a variety of research out there to prove that it is actually beneficial to your health and well-being. The best news is, getting outdoors can be as simple as visiting your local park, beach, or hiking trail! 

Remember To Rest 

Whether you’re a momma, college student, working– or maybe all three– remember the importance of rest. As women it’s easier to multi-task and get wrapped up in too many busy tasks that you don’t dedicate enough time to yourself and your rest. It is important to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night! Additionally, it doesn’t hurt to sit down and read a book or watch your favorite tv show. Your body probably needs it!

Learn To Say No

Although a lot has changed for women in the past 100 years, remembering to create healthy boundaries for yourself will help you succeed throughout your life. If you don’t want to do something or you feel it won’t benefit your own health then you have the right to say no! Even if that means saying no to a boss or loved one! Sometimes, it’s hard for us women to resist helping out or stretching ourselves too thin. However, you will be more recharged and energized if you say no when you really need to.