Same Black Skirt

Many girls are showing up with the same black skirt from Zara. It’s not really annoying and it’s not unexpected too, because the skirt is simply astonishing. The question still remains though; are the bloggers inspired by each other?

Peruvian girl in Europe

HAMBURG – I currently live in the harbor city of Germany, Hamburg,…

Leopard Suit

Models are being camouflaged from head-to-toe with leopard print in Stella McCartney’s spring ’12 collection. Some bloggers managed to find nice alternatives to Stella’s leopard suit. Must say it looks pretty comfortable for a no-inspiration day.

Translucent Clutches

The whats-in-my-bag posts of bloggers are always quite popular. For one or another reason, people find it interesting to sniff in someone else’s stuff. These bloggers are making it simple for you with translucent clutches.

Burgundy-Colored Lipstick

Burgandy has been the color of the past few months. The dark red (and almost purple) color has been popular in all kinds of clothes and accessories, and in make-up too. Sorry gothics, you aren’t the only one anymore wearing the color on the lips.

Me, Myself & Paris

PARIS – Of course, I could have chosen to stay here in…

Teddy Bear Coat

According to the latest trends, nowadays teddy bears are being skinned to create soft fur coats for fashionable women (is that even legal? New thing to focus on, animal activists!). It must feel like wearing a supportive mascot!

The Fedora Hat

Fashion bloggers showing up with fedora hats is like a physical oscillation that travels through spacetime. At one period, they all seem to cover their heads and at the other moment they rather leave their hats in their wardrobes. These photos shown here are all very recently published.

Lavish Lavish

AALBORG – We are two girls, founded one blog together named ‘Lavish…

Cartoon Printed Sweater

If you followed the fashion blogs over the past few months, you’ve definitely seen cartoon printed “KA-POW” sweaters. This trend might have been eye-opening for you last summer, right now they most likely bore you. So, shall we consider them as history?